World of Wonders

Hello, I’m William Shatner... and I’m a Shaman.
I’m a conduit of the ancient forces of nature.
You’re no doubt wondering, ‘Hey, Shatner, how do I hurl bolts of lightning?
Simple! Get World of Warcraft, dawg. You can be anyone you want.
I'm William Shatner and I'm a
What’s your game?

I'm Adam and I'm a

Well the topic is set to World of Warcraft today. A little write up of what it has brought and rewarded me with. And if it has taken something, if I missed out on something because of it.

Why? Well - for the first time it isn't really attracting me, wanting to embrace me with its warmth. There is just not much to do, not many people to talk to. Most of them left. And the ones who didn't - well I can see them other places.

So the breaking news is that I've cancelled my subscription, well noteworthy that the characters are still there and play time is payed until April 4th. But still. It is a step along a new path.

What did these 3 (!) years bring me then. Well 100+ days of played time would equal an average played time per day - every day - of some 2.5h. And needless to say, some days held more like 25h per day of playing.

The reward is the people you meet. Sure the average age is a bit lower than mine - sure there are weirdos and kiddos. But to make it short -

Redwolf - MsBodill - Myfanway - Kazamx - Raphner - Southpaw - Team Västerås - Bison - Wrathlock - The Welsh Kids - Tony - The Marsh Brothers - The Crazy Danes
... and more ...

People who I have met or would love to meet in real life.
I've attended three LAN's in Gävle and they were surely fun.

And if not for anything else the hours speaking over the net has sure improved my spoken English. Not the grammar though :)

There isn't really much to say on the game itself, that is just a platform. It is built in an addictive way with the basics beeing - get more purples or be considered a slacker. And to get them purples you need to spend some hourse to get the blues and to get them ... and so on and so forth. And when you thought you could just sit back and relax - *bam* patch day comes and new dungeons or some new faction to grind. (Exalted with eight or so in TBC only :) )

The rewards on a different level was just plain and straight forward therapy. Started playing very casual six years in in a relationship and after that one I needed somewhere to go and get away from it all. Well I'm still standing now so some way it helped out.

The downsides - sure there are some - would be the lack of sleep, the things I missed out on. But I am not to sure I missed out on very much - not like I skipped other things to play, sure I could have done this and that for those hours but what the heck. It ain't more than what a heavy TV-junkie spends in front of the Dumbinator.

Life post-WoW. Well I can't really see myself staying and playing WoW very casual - that just ain't me. 8h sessions or none. And getting myself in to a new MMO would just be the same story all over. No instead I installed a good old friend that has been standing in the bookcase for some months now - NWN2 - and with it the familiar world of paus-able gameing. And sure I still might drop by Azeroth for some time to check it out but that would just sporadic ones, purely for research.

The man himself - Dinuan. Dressed all in purples for the occasion
-Quite handsome if I may say so myself

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