Question Existing

Take off my shirt, loosen the buttons
And undo my jeans, stare at myself in the mirror
Pick me apart, piece by piece
Sorrow decrease pressure release
I put in work did more than called upon
Put more than deserved when it was over
Did I wind up exhausted?
But it taught me before a decision, ask this question first

Who am I living for?
Is this my limit?
Can I endure some more?
Chances I'm given, question existing
Who am i living for?
Is this my limit?
Can I endure some more?

Question Existing - slightly edited

Thursday evening - staying in the office post 2300 again,
question existing ... for who? ...why? ... can I endure some more?

And the real question is - what will be noticed.
This goes for all things we do:

. will a late night in the office change anything ?
. will my neighbours thank me for NOT throwing parties every weekend ?
. will someone care that I put my juice bottle in the recycle bin ?
. will my good intentions bee seen in my actions ?
. will you know what I feel ?
. will she know what she meant to me ?
. will he understand how much I valued him as a friend ?

Know now then that:
. you mean the world to me
. I value you more than the air I breathe
. I thought I did the right thing doing that there and then

I like to think that I'm pretty normal:
I laugh, I get mad, I hurt
Question existing - continued

To cheer things up, enjoy the words of Mr Wordsworth,
his tribute to nature and the importance of maintaining your youth.
To preserve the child in us - your piety.

My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Hmmm not much writings on my own hand today, but do I need to?
If I were obliged to do things in one way or another would it still be my little space, would it be my home of comfort and warmth.
Would this be my writing and feelings or would it just be a rehearsed play. - No!
Keeping it real is what it's all about - in the hood as well as here.

-Peace Niggaz!

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