
Overheard a dialogue at work today.
Two welleducated men in their late 20's and mid 40's respectively.
Both with leading roles in projects on the sales department.
The scenario:
The time is some 16:30, late enough to go home.
Younger guy puts his coat on and turns his back and starts walking out -
Older guy directs a "Good evening" his way and this is where the climax approaches.
The twist of the story - the younger guy has to reply
"No I am actually just going out for a smoke"
His only reply was silence but in his mind he knew ...

Finally! As Gert Fylking would have screamed, smoking is now deported to a low-life non-accepted activity that is seen upon as a flaw on a character. (I might have drawn a bit to far-fetched conclusion based just on this incident, but the signs are there.)

The link above, direct you dear reader to the svt.se archives where the first installment of the Gert Fylking's "Finally"-action takes place on the 1991 Nobel Prize nominations. That year saw
the South African female writer Nadine Gordimer win.

Mathematician as I am humour on this level amuses me:

So what will my approach be then?
Well time and 2008 will tell.
Heaven ... and Phil ... knows I can't hurry love!

Fan nu hade det smakat med en snus! :)


Anonymous said...

hmm...To smoke = less worth as a human?
But to be honest, I hate kissing smokers. Snuffers are ok ^^

Adam said...

Are smokers human?

Can recall one "episode" of me kissing a smoker,
and not that I died or anything
but it is not to be preferred.

Kissing snuffers ... hmmm
Not to sure. I have some research done
but can't really go into details.

Fredrik said...

Man skulle klippt ut fylking och haft som signal när man får SMS på mobilen.