Sunday driver

I feel like I am out taking my life on a sunday trip
The ride is nice, the weather wonderful
I feel good, I am ok, I am positive, I am healthy
I have a lot of things to look forward to
I have great friends and company in life

.: but on the other hand :.

I want to jump out an airplane and fall for 10.000 feet
I want to swim among sharks
I want to love feel long mourn suffer miss
I want it all - the full spectre
I want to live life to the MAX

Det vackraste som finns
Är att vara någon nära

The most beautiful thing there is
Is to be close to someone

Cecilia Vennersten - Det vackraste
Those two lines hold so much truth
To be close to someone
To have someone to share the ups&downs
To have someone thinking in a similar manner
To give all and to get everything back


Peas Brother!

Give peace a chance
Change a piece
Eat peas - for a change
Change peace with war
Make war over peas
Take a chance and change something!

Risk & win
Win @ Risk

Let me inside your bouble
You and me can make a double

Insist - don't resist

It's here and now
Come let me show you how

The choice to write
Is always right

No need to be stiff
Take it as a guitar riff

Just go with the flow
Come and dance in the snow

Let's make an angel there, Angel!


A Midsummer Night's Dream

Midsummer came and went.
I just want to give my love to the ones
I spent it with - I had the time of my life!!!

I love the mood of midsummer -
the heathen touch of it,
the celebration and worship of a huge pole ;)
And the drinking of oneself back to the stoneage.

I decided to go that way and be true to my
heritage as a Scandinavian and it was a great fun!
Random fyllehångel, spontaneous nudity and just love, pure love

I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,

Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,

With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.

W. Shakespeare - A midsummer night's dream

Just a small "proof" of my dedication to the celebration
of this wonderful feast of fertility and closeness to nature:
(... and that outdoor picture u asked for F.
perhaps this wasn't exactly what you asked for ... well well :) )

Glad Midsommar Vänner!!


Summer is the place to be

...skulle bara vilja omfamna,
sluta mina armar om en len kropp
vila ögonen till tonerna av sommarens alla sånger o ljud
alla dofter o smaker blir till ett
och tiden står stilla när vi är i varandras grepp.

How easy things are in the summer
How positive the spirit is when the body is warm
How great tomorrow looks when today holds the sun
How wonderful the water chills the tanned skin


Running free

Im running free yeah, Im running free
Im running free yeah, Im running free
Iron Maiden - Running Free
Slip into your shorts
Tie them shoe-laces
And just get out and run!

My newfound love
My new passion and passtime

I like it
I like the sweat
I like the wind to my face
I like the feeling of accomplishment
I like the fact that it is actually a hell of a good work out
I like seeing all the friendly faces and beautiful people on the track!


Swimming ...

... in the shallow end of the pool,
Trying to get out to the deeper end
But can't get out, can't see through
And how I loathe myself for it

Så ytlig - så ynklig
Så dömande - så dålig

How rewarding a quote can be
A comfort to a soar mind
To think someone thought the same thoughts
And walked the same path once before
Perhaps even excuses themself in the same way:

To me, Beauty is the wonder of wonders...
It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances
Oscar Wilde

Judging books by their covers
-: since 1980 :-