Ups & Downs

Life has a way of taking its turns.
The ups are as they always are -
the meetings, the joy of seeing new and familiar faces.
To share moments
To create memories
To get new acquaintance
To maintain and nurture existing ones

The downs well they are sneaky bastards ...
Showing up on the most unexpected places
A piece of gravel in your front wheel on your inlines
A hole in the milk packade while carrying your wares home
A deadline at work making you sit in the office until 0300 AM
On let's say a tuesday, let's say the 29th of May. FUUCKKKKKKK!

Well I ain't a quitter - time for 3 power-hours of sleep
And I am good to go -
To start collecting some ups -
Well at last I have found out what the whole point with Super Mario is...


You'll always walk alone ... ?(2)

... if you keep listening to pop music?

It struck me just now that my two favourite tracks
at the moment
-Just played them both from youtube-
Are both really all about l o n e l i n e s s
I'm gonna die in a place that don't know my name
I'm gonna die in a space that don't hold my fame.
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls

...had a t-shirt on that said we're all gonna die alone
I still believe that's true oh I truly do
Tiger Lou - Oh Horatio

A line from one of my all time favourites
in the bookshelf come to mind as well
Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable?
Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?
Nick Hornby in High Fidelity

I'll leave those question un-answered
I do think Mr. Miller is on the right track -
That it has nothing to do at all with the listener but the artists
An artist is always alone - if he is an artist.
No, what the artist needs is loneliness

Henry Miller
I aint an artist - but I do need pop music


You'll never walk alone ... ? (1)

You'll never walk alone ... but I suppose it felt like that
after the loss in the CL-finals for The Reds.
Well just making a note to self:
Football can be fun and interesting -
just not something I prioritize doing.
Phun of the day was that Milan's top scorer Filippo Inzaghi looked very much like
our good 'ol serial killer Mr. Buscemi as appearing in Con Air

That was wednesday... thursday was a manifest of beach.07.paranoia:

Starting out the day with a banana and five strawberries.
Inlines, 2.5km
Running, 7.5km
Weightlifting 45min
*work work work*
Muay Thai, 90min

So back to business - and the soul of this blogbusiness:
the rants the thoughts the poems the quotes the lyrics

So what's the topic tonight then ...
Well the headline was ambiguous ...

L o n e l i n e s s - such a scary word - or is it ?
Scary enough to set aside common sense and morale ?
Strong enough to trick your mind ?
Strong enough to blur your vision and needs ?
Well it might be it might not be ...
Who can tell ?
who can tell right from wrong ?
Who can judge my actions ?

I pray
Pray that your l o n e l i n e s s may spur you
into finding something to live for,
great enough to die for
Dag Hammarsköld
And I act

The possibilities are numerous
once we decide to act and not react.
George Bernard Shaw
I have faith

I have hope

I have to sleep =)


I'm just a soul who's intentions are good...

Keeping it short today just spilling out a quick one
You know sometimes, I'm so carefree
With a joy that’s hard to hide
Then sometimes again it seems
All I have is worry
Then your bound to see the other side

Oh but I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
Oh lord , please don't let me be misunderstood
Joe Cocker
This time it is all joy! Can't see any reasons to worry -
The sun will rise tomorrow, there are no clouds on my horizon
I am confident this very day will bring marvels
and wonders - a great day:


To Arms!

Our Generation has had
no Great war
no Great Depression
Our war is spiritual - Our depression is our lives
Chuck Palahniuk
Well I am armed. Hands clinching a pen.
Typing at my keyboard
I fight in mind - I fight online
I seek - I find

Seeking out yourself isn't the easiest task.
We are given more choices than ever before
We have more paths to go than before
But is it better this way ?

One should know the basic outlines of history,
Know that our existance as we know it
is the cause of a Big Bang some 14 billion years ago or so
That 1.8 million German soldiers invaded Poland Sept. 1 1939
... but still find room to store the information that
Brand A washing powder does the job better than B
and not to forget that Designer C's shirts are soooo last year

We should know the basics of metabolism and biology
but still be able to set that aside to just don't give a shit and sip a Coke
an acidic liquid containing colorized sugar with additives.

Read the news, watch the 10 o'clock news read up on the classic litterature
but still be able to sit back and let us get stupified by consuming
hours after hours of TV-adds, full-page commercials for a pair of socks
and sing ourselves to bed to the tunes of a radio-jingle
It's because we're so trapped in our culture,
in the being of being human on this planet
with the brains we have,
and the same two arms and legs everybody has.
We're so trapped that any way we could imagine to escape
would be just another part of the trap.
Anything we want, we're trained to want.
Chuck Palahniuk
Well at least I know I am trapped ...
Trapped in the ekorrhjul - that is at least a start
Knowing there is a problem is half the solution isn't it ?

But luckily there are moments of joy as well ....
Spread out on the great weave of life
You just need to notice them
To pick the daffodils and bring them in your memory
and put them there in a beautiful vase

I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

William Wordsworth

L.W. 2007


I need my friends

Starting out on my 300-project as suggested by F.
after my previous post.
But I sense that even this comic quite
soon will run out of taglines to steal ...
but this one is very much true at least -
haven't sleept for 40h now. /This is Adam

A weekend in joy a week @ 200% as always.
I thank my
friends for that. Let's go for a rematch 2008!
Let's go for gold next year as well.
There are still clubs that we haven't been threwn out of ;)

If I lay here - If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and forget the world

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
You laid with me and we forgot the world!
Kanske har jag ett skal
Ett hårt ogenomträngligt skalbaggeskal
Av urvuxna kläder
Maybe I have a shell
A hard impenetrable beetle shell
Of outgrown clothes
Kent - Blåjeans
I might have had and might grow one again,
but today the shell was breached the soft sides shows
and I know there is warmth in the world,
light in all darkness - hope in all hopelessness.

Facing tomorrow is so much easier.
Knowing that you have far away friends near at heart
Knowing that what there is a shoulder to lean on
a hand to hold - a heart
beat in the night

I hope to god I can keep deserving you all! :.

So I place a lilac on my pillow
a scent - a fragrance
a warmth - a presence
a wish - a dream

... an arm to lean on when yours can't reach me


A friend in need ...

Maybe I didnt treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didnt love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time

You were always on my mind
You are always on my mind
E. Presley

But today in such a different way than yesterday
So much have changed and yet remains the same

What is it that make us who we are ?

Is it the things we own ?
- they will just end up owning you

Is it the things we see
- they will just fade like a photograph

Is it the skills and feats we have ?
- a single player doesn't make a team

I say it is the people we meet
- the relationships we grow
- the personalities we get to know

A smile in the street
A hand to hold
A life sign from a long lost mate

To be loved
To be hated
To be known
To be anonymous

It all relates to relations with or without relatives
It is relatively easy isn't it - easier than The Theory of

Come celebrate - join up - meet up - cheer up !!!

This is madness
This is Sparta Adam

Lucky number 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate
W. Shakespeare #18

But who are you? - the ghost in my mind
The sensation I hunt for the smell that I long for
The need I have ... my darling bud of May.

Gimme something, someone, somehow, somewhere, sometime soon

En tanke - en dröm
En aning - en gissning
En doft - en smak
Ett rum - en värld
En du - ett jag
Ett Vi

Tea time anytime soon
Milk & tea pass me the spoon

"And I haven't felt so alive in years "
M. Gore

Clearblacksky, 20040831,
ark corner of Värmland


I blog therefore I am

I suppose it is one of these -
this blogging.
You can't just put a single post there.
You want to give more share more rant more
scream more write more tell more ...

Well here goes and there's more where this came from.


I remember - I forget
I move on - I regret
I enjoy - I whine
I smile - I cry
I live