Full Speed Ahead!

Warning: The diet outlined is experimental. If you're looking to lose fat slowly but surely in a comfortable manner, there are several proven plans available in the T-Nation Diet Program section. If, however, you're looking for a way to quickly rip fat off your body, regardless of difficulty, the Velocity Diet may be for you. It's certainly not for everybody
Extract from the webpage

- Well I ain't everybody :)

The diet in short is to skip all else and go for a low-cal, high protein diet with some additional healthy fats from the flax seeds (linfrö). The original one is setup for 28 days but I'll settle for 12. This should eventually result in the loss of 1.5 kg and hopefully not f. the stomach up.
I need to keep a little reservation in mind for the coming saturday, there might be normal eating coming up then - can't see myself explaining to grandma' why I can't taste her cookies.
(but on the other hand I've been told that an eating day is great as well since it helps boost the absorption of fat)

The formulaes:
Min: (22 x bodyweight + 879) x .50 = X kcal
Max: (22 x bodyweight + 879) x .60 = X kcal
So, 1300-1560 kcal depending on whether the day is heavy on training or not

The deal then is to get 2 times your weight in grams of protein = 160g
5 shakes á 40 g gives me 180 g protein and all in all 720 kcal
The rest should be added by the flax: 150 g ~ 2.3 dl

On training days I add the final 250 kcal by either a Gainomax, 2-3 bananas or 2 gatorades. They all equal roughly 250 kcal

So how's the progress then after one day...
Well as I never tend to do anything halfway I emptied the fridge and freezer yesterday and shut them off - just to prevent momentary weakness.

Today's menu:
4 shakes á 40 g protein and all in all 80 g flax
2 Gatorades
= 1 150 kcal
This should be compared to my previous 1 900 - 3 300 kcal I registered during my PT session this summer. And the first day went great, but this is probably due to the fact that all my depots are filled with what I've eaten earlier in the week. I expect this to change to the worse in the coming days...

The one thing we all have in common -
is that we all think we are different
A reflection to my: "I ain't everybody"

For future reference, I do realize I can't go with this diet for longer periods, here are some great points I picked up on the marvellous web we call our home.

1. Food portion control: Eat small meals of 400 to 600 Kcal depending on your body size. Overeating can cause insulin level spikes, an expanded stomach and puts a lot of unnecessary stress on your digestive system.

2. Meal Frequency: 5-6 six small meals a day, preferably spaced out every 2-3 hours. If you don’t have time to eat take a protein supplement in between meals.

3. Calm down: yes America is certainly stressful country. However life is by no means easier in Thailand and they manage to stay collected. Take a lot of deep breaths, get plenty of sleep and find healthy ways to channel stress. Remember that your work, your life and your choices are YOURS. The Thais I met don’t lose hair over trying to earn a six digit income (in US dollars of course) and you shouldn’t either.

4. Activity. I realize that not everybody has the time exercise, but almost anybody does have the means to be more active. Take a walk on your lunch break. Better yet use that hour to workout at a local gym. The ideal workout routine would involve a combination of weights/cardio. If you are strapped for time try to find an activity that combines both aerobic/anaerobic exercise. A few recommendations would be structured aerobics classes that combine both weight training/cardio (most American gyms offer some variety of this) or a martial arts program, I would personally recommend a muay thai class for almost anybody.

That's all folks!
Enjoy your own health programs,
-or at least go get a hell lotta xBox-achievments.
Make me proud!

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