Just shoot me Lady Godiva

Today I got introduced to a completely new world
A world populated with MUA's and where people attend
TFP-shootings and other crazy stuff :)

I am talking about amateur modelling and the business behind it.
MUA is just short for Make Up Artist but TFP is the more interesting -
TFP is short for Time for Print - something, apparently,
well worked out and developped in the same world.

The deal is quite simple, the photographer and a modell
agrees on a photosession and no one gets paid and
both get to put the pictures in his or her portfolio

This should suit my narcissistic_exhibiotionistic parts like hand in glove.

Registered a profile over @ MB and started to plant some seeds.

Closely knit to this weave of actions are the myths about
Narcissus and Lady Godiva, they are quite interesting both of them
and both of them are used and re-used in literature and popular culture
Narcissus was a handsome boy who rejected someone
- either Echo, a nymph or the boy Ameinias -
and got punished by falling in love with his mirror-image as reflected in a pond,
and eventually fell dead there, either by his own hand
or by fading away in time and giving birth
to the flower with the same name
Freely re-phrased from texts @ Wiki

Caravaggio's painting of Narcissus and his mirror image

Back to the legend of Miss G:
As told in the legend Lady Godiva was the wife of Lord Leofric of Coventry
back in the eleventh century.
Leofric was charging his people with sky-high tolls and taxes.
Despite her begging him he didn't lower them, but eventually
agreed to do so if she would ride through town naked.
She took him by the word and did that,
but first after having ordered everyone to stay inside.
But this was not something a certain Tom would want to miss
so he made two holes - and voilá -
the world's first Voyeurist is born, namely Peeping Tom.
His action was immediately punished and he was struck blind.
But Godiva's ride came out fruitful and the taxes were removed.
Freely re-phrased from text @ Wiki

The Narcissus flower

'Cause you're the one
Who makes me feel much taller than you are
I'm just a Peeping Tom
On my own for far too long
Problems with the booze
Nothing left to lose
Placebo - Peeping Tom

Placebo is, by coincidence or logic, a band that I grow to like
the more I dig in on their background and songs.
In preparation for my posts (...after October 1st of course)
I did some reading up on Angst and the related Teenage Angst -
then of course, they have a song titled that as well
(well the song isn't new but the theme is)
and same here with Peeping Tom

And last but not in any way least - never compromise on liver pâté
(leverpastej - it doesn't really translate well to English)

I've tried it before but it always lets me down -
trying to get out of line and try new brands.
Arboga's sliced or Pastejköket's spreadable are the only ones working I think.
There is Skånepastej as well of course, but I can't name-drop
that one due to my political viewpoint and regional fascism :)

Yesterday I bought ICA's "Gott Liv"-leverpastej
which supposedly should be less_fat-more_good_stuff
But it tasted like something sent from
an intergalactic slaughterhouse in an attempt to poison earth

I rarely see myself as a conservatie person,
don't see myself as a person with large veins of Nostalgia either
But in this case I am way ahead (or well behind) Mr Burke even.

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