
Hello darkness my old friend-I've come to talk to you again
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence

It won't be all that black, not bad at all actually.
Just noting that October 1st is passed and the themes
might change with that - even though my intention is to stay light!

Fly on Denim - Summer 06.
I see myself as a varied person.

I try to cater well for my pot-plants,
I can swing a beer or ten (... with varied results)

I can spend an evening reading Shakespeare,
As much as I can appreciate Dumb & Dumber.

I think of myself with some knowledge in french cuisine
But do not mind indulging myself in a Big Mac

But this is in no way me saying that I am c o m pl e t e -
Oh no, far from - saying that would be quite disrespectful.
But the times they are a-changing Dylan sang and I hope to live by that!

I'm a lover not a fighter
-I write, I think, I paint, I dream
-I never pick a fight, I stay out of trouble

I'm a fighter not a lover
-I kick, I punch, I throw a knee head high
-I am still single ...

Well if I learnt something of my two years out, my one year drought,
It has to be that the old saying has to be remade in to:
The Catch is better than the Chase

Well about this fighting.
I might have said it before,
and I am sure I will say it again.

But I am so glad I have found my niche
I really enjoy the training-
the sweat, the camaraderie, the discipline, the bruises.

I do think I walk a taller person when I train regularly.
I stand more upright. Feel more confident. Less concerned.

Tack Eirik, Tack Frontline, Tack Mamma - see you saturday!

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