Dear Diary ...

.: Diary-thread detected. Disregard this post's intellectual value
and well .... it might not even be comprehensible :.

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster.
Buddy leaving Norway for Dubai. Got replied by an hmail on gmail.

Tomorrows fight has had butterflies circulating
'round my stomach now for more than a week now.
It is not fear that grips him...
only a heightened sense of things.
Cold air in his lungs...
wind-swept pines moving against the coming night.
His hands are steady... his form perfect.

But nonetheless. I have been tense as a violin string today.
Waiting to go off with a * s p o i n g *
The week as a whole, o I don't know where to begin.

Monday: - saying goodbye is never easy.
But I guess a: "You will be missed around here, mate" worked ok
Wednesday: - fat, salt and alcohol, the cornerstones of any diet. A great dinner
Thursday: - Back in Black - Blacksmithing @ Marcus' Parents-in-law
Friday: - mail + violinstring scenario
Saturday: - even if it is sitll twentythree minutes away, I dare say it'll be a day to remember. But for what ...well only time can tell.

Note to self:

No doubt could either be an American rock band or:

No doubt! would be a request to the auther to stop doubting himself.
To wake up and smell the Coffee.
Self-righteousness aside how can I not be happy being me ;)

Just Be!

Sometimes there are people whose path comes to cross yours.
And even more rarely these persons come to shed light,
come with advice and show you a new world.
One of them would run you through a Maraton -
walk the highest mountain.
One of them will be missed around here.

Best of Luck Mate!

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