Dog-Eat-Dog World

Just a short write-up on Saturday's dog course with dad and Tilla-
my sister's 9-month-old German shepherd/Greyhound.

The plan for the course was just to introduce the dogs to tracking.
It was great fun to see her perform surprisingly well in it,
since she has some severe attention disturbances and
behavioural deficiencies. So she grew quite a lot in my eyes.

What I would want to blog about and what my personal
reflections to this is the subject master - dog.

The first thing I notice (there were some 30 persons and 20+ dogs)
is the old cliche that the owners usually choose dogs
similar to themselves - not said that it is as bad as in this case everytime:

But you will find that your average butch would go with a large German shepherd (schäfer),
your uptown girl will come with a Chinese Crested Dog (kinesisk nakenhund) dressed in raincoat and just out of the hairdresser.

And what I find most interesting (disturbing) is the fact
that I can get very impatient with masters who hasn't got
their dogs under control and almost look down on them if
their dogs misbehave. I guess it is something similar to our saying
"Mina barn, andras ungar" (roughly: "My children, somebody else's kids")

That said - I am not less inclined to get a dog
but I can't really see how it would be very practical
so it'll have to wait.

But when that day comes I still hold Jack Russell terrier
as my winning horse dog ... either that or a Rottweiler.
Why settle for something in between?

Wilma - My old live-in Tomas' J.R.T.

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