Save the Cheerleader - Save the World

Gotten around to see the full first season of the TV-series, Heroes. It took me little more than a week and of course some 15h on a bus to Stockholm and back helped make that possible.
Long time since I have been dragged in to a show like this. I get the same fresh feeling I got when I saw X-files for the first time. But hard to compare it in other ways since back then seeing an whole seaons over a week wasn't really an option.

The story and the plot is well known. Some indivuals find themselves with superpowers. A force is working against them. A greater good is to be reached and a villain is to be slain. Add some X-files-ish conspiracy theories about men with power working behind the curtains and you got the recipe all set.
All in all I can't really see much new it brings, can't put a finger on where it excels over other series. But it do indeed, the sum of all ingredients brew quite a tasty soup. I have found myself curling up in the sheets seeing through 3 episodes straight (some 2h) before finally being able to bend my fingers of the videoplayer to get some much needed hours of sleep. I found myself going back to the office 9 PM Sunday evening to be able get to see the last twenty minutes of the last episode since the batteries died at a very inconenient time.

Thank you Sandisk, thank you Tim Kring (creator of the series)

The player is proven to be able to play through 6.5 episodes on a full charge, or close to 5h for those who go by regular hours.

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