On the Road Again

On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again
Goin' places that I've never been
Seein' things that I may never see again,
And I can't wait to get on the road again.
Willie Nelson - On the Road Again

Out travelling again, this time a full week in Växjö working, stopping by in Gothenburg for the weekend on the way back to Oslo. Just to refuel long enough before getting on the plane on Valentine's Day to see Chicago for a good full five days!

Växjö by Night - The old Pentax S4i doing a decent job

But what's the fun in it, what's the downsides, what's worth it, what's hell

Hotel lifestyle isn't something I take very much harm in living, I try to spend max a waken hour or two in my room. Växjö offered the possibility to keep me fit and keep training Muay Thai and also have a brief contact with a new, for me, martial art - Savate or French Boxing.
Hotel breakfast is a theme of it's own, but well - I love it :)
A typical one would be:
a bowl of ceraels with yoghurt, dried fruit, flax seeds
a cup of tea and a glass of juice
a couple of loaves of bread with ham / cheese / Brie
two boiled eggs and caviar
A breakfast for champions ;)


The downside would be to eat alone. But that's not very much different from my solo lifestyle in Oslo, though it is a lot more obvious when doing it in a restaurant. Doesn't trouble me awfully much but would hate if it occurred all too often.

This plus and minusing will lead to a small comparison between our two offices as well - and it is inevetable that it turns in to a Sweden Vs. Norway battle in a way as well.

Sweden - Norway
Fruit basket every day - Fruit basket twice a week
Needless to comment, fruit five times a week is better than two.

The Swedish fika - No fika
Being almost carried away to the regular 9'o'clock'coffee and the 14.30 one is a rare sight in Oslo. The love for fikabröd is also quite swedish. I managed to time two birthdays and the fettisdag so that might have something to do with the high frequence of fikas here.

Industry - Office
Not many blue-collar workers seen in Oslo, and the scent of welded steel and the greenpainted corridoors doesn't loom over us there.

Lunch - Nistepakke
Not sure whether the Swedes win this one, getting a serving of classic swedish cooking @ 68 SEK or having the sallad buffet and a loaf of bread @ 25 NOK. I'd say Norway is on the winning side there. The swedes also have this love for eating quite heavy, proved today by ordering pizza/kebab for lunch. I am quite sure this will affect my afternoon's work.

Swedes - Norwegians
With risk of losing my readers from one nationality or the other I won't make a stand. It is a difference surely but not sure whether the Swedishness or the Norwegianhood wins in the end.

To sum it up - the offices are quite different and I am happy I work at the one I do, but I surely don't mind getting away on a trip or ten to the Swedish office as well. But I fear all the eating would damage my Beach08-plans if I stay too long.
I am not even sure that the short distance (~200 m) from the Muay Thai-club would help.

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