I Hope I am ...

(This beeing the third post today says quite a lot about the quality of the content to come. This is just a rant and ramblings. A salute to Fireside. A fool's last rites before the new week sets in. And a cheap way to keep the postcount on an expected level.)

Once more it is time for some references to popular culture, and in my world that usually means posting lyrics that makes sense or has similarities with a recent event.

This weekend - and an SMS marathon - brought me back to the late 90's /first millenial years and my favourite Swedish rock band Fireside.
All this because I've been called a fool.

Fåne, så sant som det var sagt, men en bra sådan iaf!
Det hänger inte överdrivet många av den sorten i träden
Received @ 01:19
You say that I'm a fool
Well maybe I am, but
I am the greatest fool of all
Fireside - Jupiter, 1999

That is somewhat of a themesong of mine. Sure I do things my way, but what I do want to do good. And if it's about beeing a fool - then I sure want to be the greatest one of all.

It also moved me back some ten years to the premarital years and a warmth that has been continually emitted from that very same heat source. I know what she shows is real. But I am quite uncertain on her motives and well about mine as well. Are we just two lost souls swimming in a Pink Floydian Fish Bowl?

Om tiotusen år
inunder träden går
en flicka rank och blond
med blommor i sitt hår,
och det är ännu vår.

Det är en morgonstund
här i min ungdoms lund,
allting är svalt av dagg,
var stig, vart träd och snår,
allt det som ej förgår.

Ljus rörer björkens gren
vid hennes panna ren,
och det är ännu hon
som jag en gång haft kär,
allt det som varit är.
Pär Lagerkvist from the collection Den Lyckliges Väg (1921)

Well this post has gone slightly out of control and bordering on ego-boosting so I might as well keep it foolish and uncensored.

This weekend I attended a great House-warming-party @ Madelene's place in Gbg. Great fun, great people and a good crowd ... and then there were brokers. It was a classic show of Us and them-mentality and well the party was split in half. Brokers on one side interacting on their own turf and us regular people on the other side. It is quite tragic to see, but pointless and hard to prevent. They are surely humans as well but not on an as relaxed way as us lethals.

This was my sixht sober weekend and it went all fine.
Not really sure what would've been better if I had been drinking.

And I am coming up to almost the same time logged out of WoW. The weird thing is that that one is harder letting go. Not that I miss the playing, but I know now how terrifyingly much time and energy I've spent there. And in what other social groups does a statement like this make sense:
I boosted Hofor's Lucia in Dire Maul -
and all I got was this lousy signature
MSN Signature - Late 2007

Which actually makes complete sense here. Cause I really did just that.

I guess you recognize the theme. The original one is of course the:
"My **** went to London and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"
as a kick in the nuts to all random souvenirs you bring home.
There are some nice spin-offs to this on the net of course. Like:

Well that being said about my time off from WoW and being drunk, I guess I have had to replace these habits with other ones - to keep the sum of all addictions constant. There are some openings in my 1p-gaming, my habit of replacing drinks with snus @ parties, the newfound Sudokos and of course all the books I could imagine and even the unimaginable ones should keep me busy for a while.


Anonymous said...

Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.
- Benjamin Franklin

Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts.
- Winston Churchill

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser than yourself.
- unknown

Adam said...

For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
- Virginia Woolf

There are only two ways of telling the complete truth: anonymously and posthumously
-Thomas Sowell

I am glad you choose the former one ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymously, schmanonymously ;p

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymously, schmanonymously ;p
11 February, 2008 13:50

Anonymous changed its facebookstatus today @ 14:01 to:
Xxxx Yyyy is not fooling anyone

Indeed you're not ;)
Or is this just a mere coincidence?!
-The drama continues.

Stay tuned for more mysteries,
same Bat-time same Bat-channel

Anonymous said...

Quoting the blogger himself, from recently written Fuckface:
"And I consider myself a quite stalkly nature to start with."

I should have seen it coming. And I did ;)

"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson