SAS is a lie.

I have always been told the SAS was an abbreviation of Scandinavian Airline System. Just to discover that the truth is that it's actually named Scandinavian Airlines. Or as I have come to think of them after today - Scandalous Airlines.

Today has in many senses been a wasted day. Got up well late and did the only two things today I consider beeing something constructive - I played WoW, c a s u a l l y for an hour and attained a new cooking recipie. And I did the dishes. The clock is now close to 1200 and preparations for the coming China trip takes place. Pack, plan, pass time and voilà the clock is 1730 I arrive at Gardermoen, check in only to find my original 1930 flight to Arlanda cancelled and my two co-travellers have seats on the 1805 one and me and the fourth one and me on the 2105 one. Not to anyone's surprise time goes, the 2105 is re-schedulued to go @ 2145 and hence having us miss the Beijing connection from Arlanda and well, 2240 I am once more back home in Oslo with a new ticket for the 1405 flight tomorrow monday. Yiiiiiipppppiiiiieeeeee.

To sum it up. The only really bad thing is that I am now down to 48h in Beijing instead of the planned 72 which I fear will cut the chances of touristing, in percentage, down to slightly less than the alchol content of a folk-öl. Or should i say people-beer since we are on the topic of the People's Republic of China.

Nevertheless, not all is wasted. This blog is getting written - doh - don't ever underestimate the art and writing. I am served a single malt Cragganmore in the comfort of my own home instead of a blended whisky in a plastic cup on a crowded plane. (Which still might be the case in less than 24h again though.)
But most valuable of all. I found myself as a calm, stress resistant person that is not letting himself down by a sudden setback or uphill. Sure I miss this and that, but trying to see the benefits and positive sides to things is a great strenght. And hey! I got a new cooking recipie:

Eat a cake, be happy for an hour. -God how easy life is online!
Or is it: perhaps the Cake is a lie. (That song is wonderful!)

The "Cake is a lie"-thing is something from the game Portal. Sure that would be ok if I had actually played the game, but what scares me is that I know a whole lot about a game on a platform I don't even own (xBox 360) in a genre I don't play (puzzle games in the Half-Life universe in 3rd person perspective) but since I read up on my nerdy comics CAD and LG and get into the random online hypes that come and go I have to fuel it with some more rant.

(Story in short - you are supposed to solve puzzles on command from a co-worker and she promises cake as a reward. But graffiti seen on the wall keep implying that "The Cake is a lie")

This reminds me of the viral marketing campaign Ask did towards Google.
Hmm did I write something on that. Gotta check.
If I didn't it is quite an interesting topic in it's own.
A topic another favourite comic/community has been touching.
xkcd they are too nerdy but in a more science/math way and not the gaming way as the other two. Well worth the read.

T h e _ a l g o r i t h m _ c o n s t a n t l y _ f i n d s _ J e s u s

And risking to tip off on another one again here goes the fourth A Softer World, not a comic in the obvious way - just a random picture/pictures framed in to three pictures and some text added. But the mood in it is just lovely. Romantic, weird, slightly emo and some weird undertones. Not all of the currently 261 strips are spot on but the ones that are are really good.

#194: even after we're done

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