What would Banksy do?

The girl of my dreams, woman of my life, live-in, friend, lover and apparantly soon-to-be partner-in-crime. Came up with an idea or if it rather was a "dream" she shared I am not to sure which.

But she thought it would be cool to make a stencil and post somewhere - something that was our own. Well if this isn't our own then I don't know what. Time will tell where it'll end up. But be sure to look out on the city's walls while in Oslo next time

For those of you that are inclined to crime and would even consider making one yourself, here's how to:
  1. While in Photoshop - Image - Desaturate
  2. Image - Posterize (2 levels)
  3. Filter - CutoutClean it - make sure there's no isolated areas of white, can't cut that way.
  4. Trim uneven edges and simplify graphics
  5. Print
  6. Cut with a razor or scalpell
  7. Tape it up on the designated spot
  8. Spray - remove paper - watch it dry
  9. Enjoy the new streetcred earned!


Fredrik said...

Must be spreading fast saw it in New York today :P


Adam said...

Loving it! Tried getting it in to Photoshop myself. but couldn't sort out the transparancy thingy.

This is just awesome!

Fredrik said...

You need to change the opacity on the layer to get transparency :P