A Hard Day's Work

Waking up at 07:03 to a blinding white landscape at mum's place to a day of endless possibilities.
After a steady breakfast of eggs and rye-bread I start shoveling snow to make a path for the afternoon's sauna. Something that also required a hole of 2-by-2 meters to be made in the ice.
These wee small tasks were made before the city kids that were out yesterday have had their first morning puke. Off I went for new tasks, these requiring some heavy duty machinery:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

So before the clock had struck ten we had filled a hanger with wood and spent some time driving around the woods on the all-terrain-vehicle.

And now at noon i still have 12 waken hours to spend doing something fruitful and rewardindg. My suspicions point to sauna @ 15:00. Vättern Crayfish for dinner with brother home from his Dylan-concert and until then I think I might just spend an hour or three reading last year's Nobel Prize winner Le Clézio's "Le procès-verbal" (Rapport om Adam)

This is quite exactly what a stressed out none-sleeping non-reading Adam needed.

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