A Fourth of 2009

A quick look on my post for what I expected from 2009 :
Miss Right - hoping to involve myself in a relationship this year
Friends - will try seeing even more of you all
Lovers - will try getting even more of them :)
Travel the world - in mind as in body
Less drinking then the later half of 2008
...more drinking than the first half of 2008
Some sort of therapeutic examination to check how I am doing
Lasers - pew-pew. Hope to get my eyes fixed a.s.a.p
54 km of skiing in the Birkebeinerrenn
89 km of cycling in the Birkebeinerritt

Blogg less

Read more
Exercise more Fight less
Ride a horse
Climb a mountain
Seeing the progress so far, I can indeed say 2009 has held a lot of good surprises. First and foremost of course starting something grand up with miss Right. The two off-track items requires some attention though.

I need to stop slacking on contacting and visiting friends. I guess there's this "2-month-immunity" when you enter a relationship and are somewhat excused by your friends for not being there and crazy in love, well those two months are over. See you soon! :)
The travelling isn't really bothering me, have spent most of this first quarter of 2009 in Norway but has still managed to drop by Trysil, Hemsedal, Lillehammer - three new locations.

I got a slight issue with the "blogg less"-item, not all are very happy 'bout that. Sorry Em, I might shape up some :)

Gloves in Hand
Hand in glove
The sun shines out of our behinds
No, it's not like any other love
This one is different - because it's us

Hand in Glove by The Smiths

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At last, a blog entry to update those who do not have the chance to talk to you very often, like me ^^ So nice to see that all is going well :)