
One month. One mustache.
Reactions have been split ... split between men and women. Men in general (95+ %) approve of it, cheer it, envy it and some have gone so far as to even respect it.
Women in generel (75+ %) hate it, despite it or get at the best ignore it.

What does this tell a mustasched man?
  1. Men either lie in my face to cut competition or they can recognize and identify themselves in the growing of a mustasch. They have too been lost boys in their early teens seeing who got hair where first in the eyes of fellow class mates in gym class?
  2. It isn't really attracting and women would prefer men without?
  3. Nothing, I might just be spending way too much time and energy on some facial hair

The psychologist on the other hand would say that facial hair is representing sexual activity and whatnot.
Dream Symbol Dictionary Definition for: BEARD


Male sexual power and virility. It is also often used to represent great wisdom, authority or even saintliness, as when the person has a white beard. If the beard is very long, it can symbolise great age, eternal life, wisdom of the ages. The beard can also depict the desire to hide, in other words a low self esteem, or feelings of youth hiding behind the beard

-Notice the white :)


Unknown said...

You haven't yet had my opinion about it, but I'll say it; You look younger and hotter without the mustache.

Adam said...

Oh, I thought I hade replied to your reply. A thanks is very much in place :)